Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
AC Netiquette
Uniformed Group: NCC (Sea)
By: Ken Yokota Soh, Ryoji Ryan Loh, Dylan Choo Yong Yi, Ashton Tan Jun Wei, Liu Yi Fan, Wigang Koo, Erick Tio Ding Fan, Ang Sen Zhe Micah, Timothy Owen Kee, Huang Ruikun, Robbie Chua Zong Chen, Ang Robert Lee, Arshneal Singh.
Theme: Cyber Kindness
My team started a project we titled AC netiquette, as we started to realise how people behaved extremely inconsiderately and in an uncivilised manner online. This may have been evident in our peers for a while, but it has come to light in an unpleasant way, due to the increased HBL sessions our school has implemented, to test our readiness in the case of full HBL. Through this project, we aimed to ultimately solve, or reduce this behavioural problem that we observed, by spreading awareness of the possible impacts of their actions and what they should and should not do.